The poster shows a nuclear missile that forms part of "NATO", with the word "STOP" in red over the missile.
Eight pictures taken from various attractions and events within the Soviet Unon. Pictures were meant to be cut out and displayed on a Wandzeitungsarbeit (similar to a collage)
The white poster shows a triangle with a nuclear missile snapped in half in the center. Surrounding the triangle are the words "Trade Mark Peace." Artist signed on front, with stamp on back identifying artist and address.
Poster promoting the Week of Brotherhood in Arms. Title reads "together for peace" and is superimposed on the image of a ribbon running through a Soviet and DDR badge.
This poster has red text on a black background and supports Wilhelm Pieck, the first and only president of the GDR. The text concludes saying that Pieck was "a model for us." The text mentions Hanns Eisler, a famous East German composer. It may be that these words come from something Eisler, who died in 1962, wrote or directed honoring Pieck.
Film poster for "The Red Candidate", a documentary. Features an unnamed man in the year 1932 against a geometric background (black and white).
This poster advertises the West German film Rosa Luxemburg, directed by Margarethe von Trotta. The film depicts the life of German communist leader Rosa Luxemburg.
Poster advertising film commemorating the 45th anniversary of the DDR's freedom from Hitler and facism. Inclueds a quote from Julius Fučik, Czech military conductor. ("People, I've had love for you. Stay vigilant!")
This poster advertises a Soviet film about a submarine commander. The poster depicts the Soviet submarine commander superimposed on a silhouette of a submarine.
Poster advertising a color film based on the childrens' book of the same name ("The Little Commander"). Features a painted line of children with a boy in fore blowing a trumpet and wearing a Soviet military cover.
This poster depicts a dove bearing an olive branch. The dove has a fish's tail and human feet. The title is "World Peace."
Film poster advertising a documentary about Marshall Zhukov. Film was part of the 27th International Documentary and Short Film Week in Leipzig. Features a large portrait of Zhukov.
This poster shows contrasting photographs of German aristocrats and German lower class people, possibly to show the inequality in society during 19th century Germany.
Poster resembles a chalkboard with text inscribed on surface stating "I love you". Text is followed by globe with an arrow piercing through (parodying a heart struck by cupid). Poster was entered in a "World Peace" competition.
This poster shows East German youths engaging in work programs and political rallies.
Black and white portrait of Karl Liebknecht with name and birth/death dates
This poster shows various photographs depicting collaboration between DDR and Soviet government officials.
Black and white portrait of Friedrich Engels with name and birth/death dates
This poster celebrates the Olympic career of wrestler Werner Seelenbinder. The poster shows a portrait of Seelenbinder and pictures of him engaging in various atheletic events.
Series of black and white photos documenting 20th century genocidal events. Text applauds the struggle against imperialist aggression.
This poster commemorates 30 years of Soviet and DDR collaboration, depicting scenes of Germans and Soviets working together, along with captions.
Photo of a line of people superimposed on photo of US Air Force weapons and machinery (black and white). Text argues against the the new US armament and includes an expanded quote by Erich Honecker on the virtues of the socialist society.
This poster, which proclaims "30 victorious years" of the DDR, shows various Soviet and DDR emblems, along with a depiction of a Soviet soldier raising the USSR flag over the Reichstag in WWII. The poster also has thank-you cards in one corner. The text in the lower left corner reads: "Dank euch, ihr Sowjetsoldaten, Dank eurem Land, das uns immer mit Rat und Tat, mit selbstloser Hilfe zur Seite Stand." The upper right corner contains the quote "Als die Sohne des Großen Oktober die Soldaten aus dem Lande Lenins die rote Fahne auf dem Reichstagsgebäude hißten, brachten sie uns Frieden und Freiheit vom Faschismus. Sie brachten zugleich die allgemeingultigen Erfahrungen der erstmalig in der Welt im Lande Lenins siegreich verwirklichten Lehre von Karl Marx in dessen Geburtsland zurück."
Series of superimposed portraits and newspaper text commemorating the role of Ernst Thälmann, the leader of the Weimar-era Communist Party, in German socialism.
This poster shows a Latin American man with two women and a child as part of a crowd of people. The poster urges East Germans to support the people of Latin America. The text also references solidarity account 444.