This poster is a landscape photograph of a large castle on top of a wooded hill.
Poster is an abstracted portrait of Erich Honecker. Primary colors are pink, blue, and green. Portrait appears upside down with a second faint outline of the portrait visible right-side-up. Poster is first in a series of two.
This poster is a landscape photograph of a coastline with cliffs.
Poster title begins "That is the socialist tempo/Southern residential town" and shows three black and white photographs of apartments under construction. Title continues "Construction begins January 1959/Construction completed 1962 = 3000 apartments for the population". Underneath title continues "1 year later" and shows photograph of the completed apartment complex. Title reads "By solving the main economic task, we prevent the attack plans of the nuclear warmongers in Bonn from being realized".
This poster shows a statue of Vladimir Lenin in front of several tall apartment buildings.
Poster features a black and white portrait of Wilhelm Pieck. Title reads "We greet our President Wilhelm Pieck on July 9th, 1950 in Bautzen."
This poster shows photographs of multiple periods of East German history, beginning with the Soviet victory in Berlin in 1945 and the various stages of German economic development following the war.
Poster is green with black text. Title reads "Germany's future is decided by the struggle of the German working class. Only the uniform struggling working class at the forefront of all peace-loving forces can tame militarism. Therein lies your great national responsibility." Quote is contextualized as taken from an open letter from the Chair of the FDBG Federal Executive Board to trade union groups.
This poster is a black and white portrait of Clara Zetkin, a German socialist and women's rights advocate. On the bottom is text stating, Wer den Frieden will, der muß das Bündnis mit der Sowjetunion suchen, als der ersten und stärken Friedensmacht der Welt. Die internationale Solidarität muß das oberste Gesetz des Kampfes der Arbeiterklasse aller Länder sein…
Poster is red and gray on green background. Text in white reads "Your most important contribution to the struggle for peace and for resolving the national question in Germany is your work in the socialist production, your participation in the movement of socialist work every day and every hour". Quote is contextualized as taken from an open letter from the Chair of the FDBG Federal Exectuive Board to trade union groups.
This poster is a collection of 20 photographs of babies.
Poster is black with red borders. Title in yellow reads "Organize the socialist help and let no individual colleague, collective, or section stay behind. Educate each other in your unions about socialism, so that you may live by the socialist laws of morality". Quote is contextualized as taken from an open letter from the Chair of the FDBG Federal Exectuive Board to trade union groups.
This poster is a photograph of several young German woman at a rally.
Poster is white with red text. Title reads "Workers and employers!/'More production - right distribtuion - better living!'/For this we demonstrate on May 1st, 1948!". Box 1.
This poster is a black and white portrait of August Bebel, one of the founders of the Social Democratic Party (SPD).
Poster is white with red text. Title reads "Repatriates! We'll help you create a new home. Acknowledge the common struggle for a unified country and a lasting peace! Demonstrate with us on May 1st, 1948!"
This poster is a black and white portrait of Luis Corvalan, former leader of the Chilean communist party.
Poster is red with gray borders. Main text is white, describes the struggle to implement new science and technology in the workforce, and the victory of socialism over outdated tools and methods.
This poster has a group of children wearing IX Parteitag shirts, cheering and running towards the camera
Poster features a blue globe with the white outline of a dove superimposed. Beneath is a black and white collage of multinational crowds. Title reads "We call for World Disarmament."
This poster is a photograph of two women and a man holding a flag and wearing the uniform of the FDJ.
Poster features a black and white photo of women holding pigs with a man in the center holding a pig hanging from a bar. Beneath the photograph is a line drawing of a tractor, and color images of milk, cheese, würst, and eggs in front of a line graph. Title reads "Through socialist collaboration to higher results in market production!" Photo caption reads "The "Bomhoff Brigade" from VEG Salzmünde were honored for their excellent results with the title "Brigade of Socialist Work."
This poster is a large blue and white portrait image of Vladimir Lenin.
Poster features close-up of hyena from John Heartfield's Krieg und Leichen - Die Letzte Hoffnung der Reichen (War and corpses - the last hope of the rich). White teeth resembling missiles are superimposed on the hyena's mouth. Title reads "No new teeth for these hyenas/USA-Rockets from West Europe get out!"
This poster is a large black and white portrait fo Ernst Thälmann.