This poster is red and shows a clenched fist being thrust into the air. This poster is to celebrate May day, or the "Worker's day" . The FDGB (Freier Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund) logo features at the bottom right corner.
Poster is dark red with white type, features close-up of child's face on left. Title reads "Free the world of nuclear weapons!"
This poster is red with black and white text. The text reads, "Growth, Prosperity, Stability" with the "Plan '78" featured below it.
Poster is consists of red background with large hand-drawn portrait of Ernst Thählmann. Title reads "Thählmann never fell."
This poster has a quotation by Ernst Thälmann in red text on an off-white background. The text reads, "You and I and all fellow fighters for our big cause have to be strong, firm, combative and future-proof."
Poster is red with black type. Features black and white calendar showing "Mai 20, Sonntag, 1979". 20 is in red. Title reads "Vote for the Candidates of the National Front."
This poster has four images of a smiling African woman imposed on a green silhouette of Africa. The portrait images of the woman get larger in each of the four images.
This poster appears to be a black and white photocopy. The title reads, "Wende stress, the psycho-social cost of German unity". The text below details the discontent of many East German citizens five years after the fall of the Wall. This poster features the Kultur Brauerei insignia at the bottom right.
This poster has a blue background and a childlike drawing of a construction worker appears in the bottom right corner. The text reads, "I am one of the first voters, we are 613,000! Our voice to the candidates of the national front."
This poster appears to be a black and white photocopy. The title reads "Article 23: No connection under this number!" The poster features the Bündnis 90 insignia at the bottom right. This poster was created for the March 1990 elections.
This poster is a photograph of a woman waving a flag as part of a rally. The words DDR 40 are to advertise the 40th anniversary of the DDR.
Poster has purple background with red and black type. Features poster of a child on his dad's shoulders holding a red flag. Title reads "Together for peace and socialism / Our vote for the candidates of the National Front!" Poster created for the May 7, 1989, elections in East Germany.
This poster is a painting of a group of DDR and Soviet Union flags waving on flagpoles. This is to advertise the 40th anniversary of the DDR.
This poster appears to be a black and white photocopy. The title reads, "The right choice is half rent". There is the Bündnis 90 insignia at the bottom right. This poster was created for the March 1990 elections.
This poster is a portrait of a man in front of a cityscape. It is to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the DDR.
Poster text reads "The honest alternative," followed by DA insignia. Features a red "x" inside a circular check-box and three blue stars. Poster was created for the March 1990 elections in East Germany.
This poster is a brown and black portrait of an African or African-American boy on a black background. The bottom left hand corner features the Solidaritätskomitee der DDR logo.
Poster features a color graphic of a dinosaur hatching from an egg. Type in purple reads "Goodbye to prehistoric politics / We're breaking out." DA insignia at bottom. Advertising specifically for the "Young Democrats" wing of the DA. Poster was created for the March 1990 elections in East Germany.
This poster has a collage of black and white photographs of Soviet soldiers in heroic poses. A red flag appears in one of the upper photographs. The text celebrates the 40 years after the end of World War II.
Poster is printed in orange and black. It details the rules and regulations of the 1990 election.
This poster has an image of a Soviet soldier waving a flag in front of an image of the earth. Below the soldier is a pile of discarded German soldiers' helmets.
This poster is printed in black and red. The title reads "Because men and women should not repeat the mistakes of the other". This text details the VL priorities and goals. At the bottom it reads, "Let us dissuade you from a Left thing from the Right way/Solidarity Alternative". This poster was created for the March 1990 elections.
This poster has a large child-like drawing of the sun with a smiling face. Below the drawing are six pictures of children engaging in various activities. With the first featuring Ernst Thälmann.
This poster is white with black type. The title reads "He who's learned to play the recorder from Honecker, can't play first violin in a democracy!"The Bündnis 90 insignia is at the bottom. The poster was created for the March 1990 elections.
This poster has a portrait of Luis Corvalán in front of a crowd of people with the Chilean flag in the upper portion of the poster. The top right text reads, "Chile's people freedom" with the logo of the Solidaritätskomitee der DDR in the bottom left hand corner.